15 Fascinating Facts About the History of Home Education

Home education appeals to a surprisingly broad range of families, each with their own unique motivations for pursuing the method. Despite the myriad misconceptions about students’ social aptitude or ability to perform once they hit college, it remains an unyielding component of the education industry. But homeschooling gets so bogged down in theory and curricula, many take little time to ponder its extremely active, controversial history. By no means is this list even the slightest iota comprehensive, but it does pick out a few interesting, relevant tidbits.

  1. Education in the United States and Europe was largely homebound until the 1830s: Even then, education was not compulsory in the former until 1852, implemented by the "Know-Nothing" Party in Massachusetts. Religious and ethnic minorities excluded from the policies on the grounds of their alleged intellectual inferiority and some crazy talk about a Catholic conspiracy to overthrow the government responded by continuing homebound classes. The Mormon community especially resisted required government schooling until 1915.
  2. The Native American community was one of the most vocal detractors of compulsory education: And, to nobody’s surprise, proved one of the most marginalized demographics once the United States began passing compulsory education laws. In yet another display of wrecking the indigenous ways of life under the wrongheaded nomenclature of "progress," such legal measures drove stakes into their traditional schooling methods — which, of course, long predated the standardized style.
  3. Growing Without School was the first periodical about homeschooling in America: Founded by John Holt in 1977, this newsletter allowed homeschooling parents to connect with one another, exchange ideas and learn about the issues affecting them. It ran for 24 years, ending in December 2001 for financial reasons and leaving behind 143 issues in its archives. Much of the content celebrated the controversial "unschooling" method, which sports a highly flexible, student-directed curriculum with minimal structure.
  4. Both the left and the right have historically embraced homeschooling: Their reasoning may be different, but homeschooling is one of the few things both the political left and right have historically supported. John Holt, Growing Without School founder and author of numerous books on unschooling and homeschooling, pulled from many 1960s/1970s anti-establishment philosophies. His right-wing counterpart was former U.S. Department of Education employee Raymond Moore, who touted homeschooling’s religious potential during the same era.
  5. Raymond Moore and his wife Dorothy conducted some of the homeschool movement’s most influential studies: Along with John Holt, the Moores were the most influential figureheads of the homeschooling movement in the 1960s and 1970s. They sunk numerous resources and teamed up with representatives from the World Health Organization, Harvard University, Cornell University and other educational and research institutions in the interest of studying the method’s impact. Some of the findings, most especially the ones tying numerous learning and development disorders to compulsory state schooling’s completely inflexible, homogenous structure.
  6. Better Late than Early was published in 1975: One of Raymond and Dorothy Moore’s most influential findings centered around the role of parents in early childhood development. Their 1975 smash Better Late than Early revealed the results of intensive studies across different cultures and socioeconomic brackets. They made the argument that kids were not really psychologically or emotionally prepared for structured schooling until ages 8 through 10. Homeschooling advocates latched onto this information and used it to tailor curricula around their children’s natural development and foster tighter filial bonds.
  7. The number of homeschooled kids at least doubled between 1990 and 1995: Thanks to the efforts of John Holt and Raymond and Dorothy Moore, homeschooling received a bevy of mainstream attention and, subsequently, support. The April 2005 issue of The Home School Market discussed how the number of parents teaching their children outside the education system doubled from 400,000 to 8,000 in the half-decade between 1990 and 1995. However, the Homeschool Legal Defense Association put the number at 1.23 million, accounting for families who rejected joining relevant organizations and kept largely to themselves.
  8. Homeschooling was once illegal in most states: Prior to the 1960s, parents pulling their children out of public or private schools were held under truancy laws in almost every state. Oklahoma was the only one with no penalties levied homeschooling families until the practice drew mainstream acceptance. The Homeschool Legal Defense Association claims that thousands of families fled "underground" in order to utilize the method.
  9. State vs. Massa was the first significant court case to rule in favor of homeschooling: This 1967 landmark New Jersey hearing ruled in favor of homeschooling families and paved the way for mainstream acceptance. Laws requiring students to receive an education either in school or "elsewhere than at school" for a specific amount of time were pivotal in the ultimate decision. Homeschooling advocates pointed out that the movement itself qualified as such, and the court eventually stated, "This court agrees with the above decisions that the number of students does not determine a school and further, that a certain number of students need not be present to attain an equivalent education." (Massa at 256).
  10. The HSLDA was founded in 1983: As one can probably imagine, the Homeschooling Legal Defense Association hosts its own fair share of controversies — not the least of which revolve around its largely fundamentalist Christian leanings. But despite one’s views on religion and education, the organization still enjoys considerable political influence and plays a significant role in homeschooling history. Michael Ferris, an attorney, founded the nonprofit in 1983 with the hopes of providing legal counsel to homeschooling families butting heads with their respective states. The organization charged $100 a year to represent the needs of participants, and by 2000 supported a membership of roughly 70,000 families and 250,000 kids. All that in spite of dwindling legal issues aimed at the homeschool demographic.
  11. Many exceptionally successful people were homeschooled: Despite homeschooling’s mainstream acceptance, some stereotypes persist regarding their social and professional abilities. Presidents such as Abraham Lincoln, John Adams and John Quincy Adams were all homeschooled before going on to lead the United States, as was Founding Father Benjamin Franklin. More creative kids will be happy to find out that Frank Lloyd Wright, C.S. Lewis, Louisa May Alcott, Virginia Woolf, Ansel Adams and plenty more all grew up in such an educational environment as well.
  12. 1983 tax laws allegedly increased the number of homeschooled students: Exact figures are difficult to come by, but changing tax regulations in 1983 drove many students in Christian schools back into their homes for an education. Parents upset at the denial of financial breaks to institutions practicing racial discrimination yanked their kids out of the private system and turned to homeschooling instead. Many could not afford the subsequent tuition hikes in the schools too stubborn to accept other races, either, and considered it their only available option.
  13. Charlotte Mason inspired the Parents’ Education Union in 1886: With the publication of Charlotte Mason’s Home Education, the Parents’ Educational Union (later the Parents’ National Education Union) sprang up around 1886 in England. Exact dates and detailed information are both difficult to come by, however, and there doesn’t seem to be much information about it available online. In the book, the author compiled her lectures and presented a comprehensive outline of childcare and education spanning from birth to 9 years of age. Mason also launched the "Parents’ Review" to unite members and spread information about liberal home education, which she edited until her 1923 death.
  14. The first college designed for homeschooled students opened in 2000: Purcellville, Virginia-based Patrick Henry College began with 80 students in the fall semester of 2000. While the institution doesn’t accept homeschooled students exclusively, its campus and liberal arts and government-centered curriculum cater mostly to their needs. Though groundbreaking in this regard, Patrick Henry College favors Christian applicants.
  15. Homeschooling was legal in every state by 1989: Despite being a largely accepted education option, homeschooling was surprisingly not legalized in every state until 1989. Much of the reticence stemmed from the fact that this particular strategy involved no qualifications whatsoever. Even parents without a high school education could still serve as teachers to their kids — a concern which led many policymakers and parents to look upon homeschooling with skepticism. To address this issue, some states — such as Ohio – made sure to pass legislation regulating what students must learn before graduation.
Contributed by Online College Courses
    You have read this article DIY Learning / home education / homeschooling / unschooling with the title June 2011. You can bookmark this page URL http://machining33.blogspot.com/2011/06/15-fascinating-facts-about-history-of.html. Thanks!

    iCould Should Be Essential Component of Your Personal Success Plan

    icould should become an essential component to every student's personal success plan.  The site gives visitors the inside story of how careers work. The icould storytellers relate, in their own words, their real life career journeys. There are over a thousand easy to search,varied and unique career videos as well as hundreds of written articles. From telecoms engineers to police officers, from landscape gardeners to web designers, from engine drivers to zookeepers; they talk about what they do, what it’s like, how they came to be where they are and their hopes for the future. They also share the times they’ve messed up, had difficulties and set-backs as well as their opportunities and experience of achievement and success. The video stories – as well as articles talk about real issues, such as problems at home, taking a year out, failing exams and coping with redundancy. In addition to being able to look at people via careers, visitors can also look by searching life themes like Making a difference, Apprenticeship, Passion, School stories -negative.

    An essential component of personal success plans is finding heroes and helpers.  Heroes and Helpers are people that students believe inspire them, either the heroes who may be famous and/or helpers in their own lives that they may know personally.  This site provides a treasure-trove of real potential heroes and helpers that they may very well be able to relate to and who may expose them to ideas and possibilities they never knew existed.
    You have read this article personal success plan with the title June 2011. You can bookmark this page URL http://machining33.blogspot.com/2011/06/icould-should-be-essential-component-of.html. Thanks!

    You Don't Have to Be A Rhodes Scholar to Become a Road Schooler

    Perhaps one of the most innovative ways to educate is by becoming a road schooler.  Yep, that's right, you can hit the road to get an education like many families are doing these days who believe the best way to learn about the world is to be in the world.  Wondering if it's legal?  It is in the U.S.  You can check out how many families are taking learning on the road at The Families On The Road blog.
    You have read this article DIY Learning / home education / home schooling / unschooled / unschooling with the title June 2011. You can bookmark this page URL http://machining33.blogspot.com/2011/06/you-don-have-to-be-rhodes-scholar-to.html. Thanks!

    Is this the future of learning?

    Sophia Overview from Sophia on Vimeo.

    Sophia enables innovation by connecting learners, teachers, experts and parents. They provide an academic community where everyone has access to learning that surrounds and supports the traditional classroom. They encourage variety and creativity in teaching so that everyone can learn in a way that makes sense to them.

    Sophia is a social teaching and learning platform that taps the teacher in all of us and enhances the learning process by providing access to a wealth of knowledge, help, instruction, standards-aligned content, and expertise available to learners everywhere.

    Sophia wants to harness technology for the betterment of the educational system as a whole. They believe we can all help others learn. Sophia’s mission is to be a catalyst in this educational movement.
    You have read this article with the title June 2011. You can bookmark this page URL http://machining33.blogspot.com/2011/06/is-this-future-of-learning.html. Thanks!

    What's Popular This Week on The Innovative Educator

    Here’s the roundup of what's been popular on The Innovative Educator blog this week. Below you’ll see my top weekly posts along with the number of pageviews in the past 7 days.

    This week the #1 spot goes to Why Twitter is a big deal which provides a roundup of how innovative educators are using Twitter. Next up is Using Classroom publishing to teach outside the box featuring some great ideas for using this tool. Rounding out the top three was 10 Ideas for Connecting 21st Century Dads. There’s lots of great ideas for Dads and Moms too.  Check em out.  Making it to the top five was 5th Grader's Smart Advice About Standardized Testing featuring a child’s insightful editorial essay.

    There’s several other interesting posts as well. I hope there's something that looks of interest to you.  If it does, check it out. If you’re so inspired leave a comment.

    Why Twitter is a big deal
    Jun 21, 2011, 4 comments2,474 Pageviews
    Using Classroom publishing to teach outside the box
    Jun 17, 2011, 3 comments1447 Pageviews
    10 Ideas for Connecting 21st Century Dads .
    19-Jun-111353 Pageviews
    Midlife Crisis Begins in Kindergarten…
    Jun 22, 2011, 2 comments1331 Pageviews
    5th Grader's Smart Advice About Standardized Testing...
    Jun 20, 2011, 1 comment1323 Pageviews
    5 Reasons Why The Class of 2020 Won't Go to College...
    13-Jun-111322 Pageviews
    8 Real Ways Facebook Enriched Ms. Schoening’s 1st GradeClass...
    Jul 15, 2010, 16 comments1316 Pageviews
    The World's Simplest Social Media Policy
    Mar 27, 2011, 29 comments1206 Pageviews
    10 Ideas for Connecting with 21st Century Kids
    Jun 16, 2010, 13 comments1203 Pageviews
    You have read this article with the title June 2011. You can bookmark this page URL http://machining33.blogspot.com/2011/06/what-popular-this-week-on-innovative.html. Thanks!

    A Math Hater's Five Fav Math Resources

    I took math in school, but never learned math and I still have nightmares about Algebra. Despite my distaste for the subject, there are some resources that I like.  Here they are. 

    My top five fav math resources
    1) Chat with others about math on Twitter with the tag #mathchat http://t.co/wUiAJcY - I have had some lively debates doing this.
    2) Lots of free and pretty good quality games with MangaHigh.com http://t.co/zfR6igO
    3) This self-proclaimed "mathmusician" has a passion for math and helps others learn with passionate and witty delivery http://t.co/qVADJMc
    4) Would kids rather learn math from a boring adult like Sal Kahn or other kids? If your answer is the latter, check out these "Mathcast" videos made by kids for kids at http://t.co/TSZe33x
    5) I think this is my favorite math resource. Mathalicious teaches math using real world examples. Cool beans. That is what I needed if I were to learn math in school. Read all about it at http://t.co/GhhGD1s

    Those are my fav five. If you want more ideas visit http://t.co/GUoDQ9K.
    You have read this article math education / mathalicious / mathtrain.tv with the title June 2011. You can bookmark this page URL http://machining33.blogspot.com/2011/06/a-math-hater-five-fav-math-resources.html. Thanks!

    Study Groups without Walls

    At Peer 2 Peer University a study group gathers people who work together to learn a particular topic by completing tasks, assessing individual and group work, and providing constructive feedback.

    The P2PU is a grassroots open education project that organizes learning outside of institutional walls and gives learners recognition for their achievements. P2PU  creates a model for lifelong learning alongside traditional formal higher education. Leveraging the internet and educational materials openly available online, P2PU enables high-quality, low-cost education opportunities. P2PU - learning for everyone, by everyone about almost anything.

    Check out a course here

    DIY U: Build a Personal Learning Plan

    Check out the video about P2PU here.

    Peer 2 Peer University 2010 from P2P University on Vimeo.
    You have read this article oer with the title June 2011. You can bookmark this page URL http://machining33.blogspot.com/2011/06/study-groups-without-walls.html. Thanks!

    Midlife Crisis Begins in Kindergarten…

    with labels such as ADD, ADHD, slow, dyslexic, learning disabled, just average, and even gifted!

    Guest post by Mariaemma

    Did you know that midlife crisis begins in kindergarten? Yes, it's true! It is in kindergarten (and sometimes in preschool!) that our society begins the process of teaching children (see how this happened to The Innovative Educator and Aaron Iba here) that they are not smart enough, not quick enough, not working to potential, not high enough on the bell curve, not as good as the next guy...just plain not measuring up!

    Midlife Crisis is the term we use to indicate a trauma experienced in the middle years —usually having to do with the question, “What am I doing with my life?” There are stories of extreme reactions that all of us have heard: like the guy who is a doctor, quits one day, and goes to live in the woods; as well as less dramatic cases like the financial consultant who enters the ministry.

    There is nothing wrong with changing careers. But we don’t say midlife celebration, we say midlife crisis!  Crisis, because this time is often associated with feelings of unhappiness and confusion. Some people choose to “run away.” Others are afraid to change anything, then believe for the rest of their lives that they have been short changed. These are the people who say in later years, If only . . . or  I missed my chance to . . .

    And, so, we have books such as Do What You Love, The Money Will Follow by Marsha Sinetar, How To Find Your Mission In Life by Richard Bolles, Life Launch by Hudson and McLean . . . the theme being that if you knew what you were meant to do in the world, you would have a purpose, which leads to fulfillment, happiness, and good relationships.

    How do we figure out our purpose? Look at your natural talents and interests, the books say. Many include self-assessments to help you figure out what you love, just in case you don’t know anymore.

    When children start school they bring their natural talents and gifts with them. Some alternative schools and models like those mentioned in this HuffPo Ed piece by The Innovative Educator embrace this type of learning.  However in traditional public schools, instead of encouraging individual gifts and talents, the first thing we do is teach them to put their interests on hold. We begin early the process of hiding the clues, the keys to our adult lives. We begin attaching labels: slow, average, ADD, LD . . . Years later the potential scientists or artists or teachers have the seeds buried so deeply they can no longer remember what set them on fire. And they need a book or a therapist to help them rediscover who they are.

    I have a sign in my office that reads, 
    “It is better to build children than repair adults.”

    We need to pay attention to the child who needs to drum on the desk, the one who memorizes better when shooting baskets, the one who is interested in rocks. We need to stop labeling children as dysfunctional and start labeling the positives: keeps excellent rhythm, very coordinated, a whiz at the computer, great rapport with animals, natural comedian! Children who grow up learning about their own talents and styles become confident adults who achieve dreams and are enthusiastic about lifelong learning.

    Remember the old saying, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”? We can give children the right start by respecting each one’s unique learning needs. For those of us who are already grown up, see you at the bookstore!

    ©2011 by Mariaemma Pelullo-Willis, M.S., Learning Style Specialist for School & Life Success
    Mariaemma is co-author
    Discover Your Child’s Learning Style, and co-founder of LearningSuccess™ Institute. For the last 20 years Mariaemma’s passion has been to bring out the star in every person - adult and child. She is especially concerned about adults who have grown up with negative school labels (Learning Disabled, ADD, lazy, not working to potential, average, below average, even gifted!), and the number of children who continue to be diagnosed with learning disabilities and/or medicated.

    Get your free copy of the eBook version of Midlife Crisis Begins in Kindergarten when you sign up for the LearningSuccess™ newsletter: www.learningsuccessinstitute.com
    For a personalized education option go to www.solimaracademy.com
    To find out your children’s learning styles go to www.learningstyleprofile.com
    To find out your personal success styles go to www.personalsuccessprofile.com
    Contact: m@mariaemmawillis.com, 805-648-1739
    You have read this article ADD cure / ADHD Cure / ADHD Treatment with the title June 2011. You can bookmark this page URL http://machining33.blogspot.com/2011/06/midlife-crisis-begins-in-kindergarten.html. Thanks!

    Why Twitter is a big deal

    It seems every week I'm asked or told by illTwitterates that they don't get what the big deal is with this whole social media thing.  They don't get the idea of powerful conversations and connections.  They don't get that many of those I've connected with through social media become friends IRL too.  They don't understand that if f-2-f can occur with those with whom I've connected, it does.  They seem perplexed as to how I can develop enough trust with folks through social media that I actually have had many of these people in my home for a visit or overnight stay if they happen to be in my city.

    This week there were three interesting articles The Innovative Educator Daily Newspaper that did a great job of summarizing my thoughts on the topic. 

    1- Twitter is the back fence you share with your neighbor 
    I just love Scott McLeod's analogy in his post, "If you were on Twitter"! The post is a great read where McLeod shares his typical learnings from a day on Twitter and goes on to explain that Twitter is the back fence you share with your neighbors. Except your neighbors are people all over the world who share your interests and passions and can help you accomplish your personal and professional goals. Every day you have a chance to learn from these online neighbors. Every day you have a chance to receive resources that you otherwise never would have found. Every day you have a chance to intersect with people who care about what you care about and are willing to help you be more productive and save time. Check out his post here.

    2 - What my connections on Twitter mean to me
    Beth Still does a terrific job of explaining how she connects on Twitter and the types of people in her personal learning network.  She drives home the point that the tool is what you make of it and she has certainly harnessed the power of Twitter to share, trust, develop relationships, connect, and grow thinking and learning. 

    Still explains that like me she thinks there are still quite a few people who don’t believe meaningful  conversations and real friendships can exist in a virtual world. She shoots that down saying, "they most definitely can." She explains that these friendships don’t just happen. "They take an investment of time and the belief that online friends are just as important as the f2f friends we see everyday. The only thing virtual about these friendships is the space in which they exist. The connections are definitely real. People who make a distinction with real life and f2f friendships just don’t get it." I say, "Right on!"

    To those who say the time we spend online talking to people is a waste of time she says, "I could not disagree more. I have a circle of friends that three years ago I never imagined would ever exist. This is a fairly small group that I would do just about anything for. These are the people I wish I could teach with and hang out with everyday. I guess in a way I do get to do that—-just virtually."
    Read her entire post here.  

    3 - Dear teacher who wasn't on Twitter
    In her post, Edna Sackson explains the benefits of a Twitter chat.  She outlines all the things she learned in just 30 minutes during the #elemchat she participated in.  Among them were:

    • A variety of new web 2.0 story book creators to explore and share with my colleagues.
    • Inspiration and ideas from @dogtrax, like his environment project.
    • The idea of using Edmodo for reading discussions.
    • A promising collaboration with Tania Ash  in Morocco to start a world reading group for primary school students!
    • Potential collaborators for our unit about cultural beliefs.
    You can read her entire post here to see why she believes there is no professional learning quite like half an hour on Twitter!
    You have read this article twitter / Twitter in Education with the title June 2011. You can bookmark this page URL http://machining33.blogspot.com/2011/06/why-twitter-is-big-deal.html. Thanks!

    5th Grader's Smart Advice About Standardized Testing

    Fifth grader Joel has a message for schools and politicians.  
    "State testing is bad for the tax payers of New York because they waste 11.1 billion dollars a year."
    Joel shares that some countries have stopped and have saved a bundle. He also lets adults know that sometimes tests make kids nervous and they bubble the wrong answer.

    Joel shares a graphic in his article that illustrates that tests are not really important to the children being tested.  For those who want to know if students were listening in class, he advises, “That is what a report card is for.” He explains that it makes more sense to judge students using this report of their performance than does judging children from one test.  

    Finally young Joel advises that state testing is bad for lots of people because the capable might fail and get bad jobs because they just aren’t the type of kids that can pass state exams.

    Smart kid.  Read and comment on his piece here.  
    You have read this article standardized tests with the title June 2011. You can bookmark this page URL http://machining33.blogspot.com/2011/06/5th-grader-smart-advice-about.html. Thanks!

    10 Ideas for Connecting 21st Century Dads with Their Kids This Father's Day

    When it comes to tried and true advice for Dads (young and old), most will agree in the importance of face time, throwing a ball, playing a sport, listening deeply and all those good things that great Dads have been doing for centuries. In the 21st century though there are some new and important ways for Dads to connect with their kids and there's no time like Father's Day to begin thinking about and implementing some of them.  

    You can check out my ten ideas for helping 21st century dads connect with their kids here.
    You have read this article father's day education ideas with the title June 2011. You can bookmark this page URL http://machining33.blogspot.com/2011/06/10-ideas-for-connecting-21st-century.html. Thanks!

    What's Popular This Week on The Innovative Educator

    Here’s the roundup of what's been popular on The Innovative Educator blog this week. Below you’ll see my top weekly posts along with the number of pageviews in the past 7 days.

    This week the #1 spot goes to 5 Reasons Why The Class of 2020 Won't Go to College.  The post tells why colleges need to completely re-think their models if they don’t want youth lured away by new income and actualization opportunities. Sites for Using iPads in Education also makes the top three for another week in a row! iPads are hot, hot, hot...so I’m not surprised this post with recommendations from Apple made it to the top.

    There are three posts in the top ten that look at using Facebook in learning environments.  They are:
    1. Using Facebook in Education features a Prezi presentation which highlights one school leader who bans and blocks and another who empower and prepares.  It moves on to show how Facebook is being used in primary school and secondary school.  
    2. Facebook Doesn't Make you Dumb - This post features an info graphic that does a nice job of explaining this as it relates to education.  
    3. 8 Real Ways Facebook Enriched Ms. Schoening’s 1st Grade Class - This article explains how and why first grade teacher Erin Schoening uses Facebook with her first graders.
    Rounding out the top five is You and Your Students Can Be The Next Sal Kahn with ShowMe. ShowMe is a terrific new iPad app that lets you do Padcasting which is similar to screencasting which means capturing what you are doing on your iPad as a tutorial that others can watch and learn from.  Number five this week is 10 Proven Strategies to Break the Ban which provides real examples and insights from teachers who were able to successfully break the ban on tech use in their schools.  

    To follow are several other interesting posts. I hope there's something that looks of interest to you.  If it does, check it out. If you’re so inspired leave a comment.
    5 Reasons Why The Class of 2020 Won't Go to College
    13-Jun-111448 Pageviews
    Using Facebook in Education
    Jun 5, 2011, 6 comments1407 Pageviews
    Sites for Using iPads in Education
    May 18, 2011, 5 comments1349 Pageviews
    You and Your Students Can Be The Next Sal Kahn with ShowMe
    Jun 15, 2011, 1 comment1320 Pageviews
    10 Proven Strategies to Break the Ban and Build Op...
    Nov 3, 2010, 6 comments1282 Pageviews
    Facebook Doesn't Make you Dumb
    Jun 16, 2011, 7 comments1225 Pageviews
    8 Real Ways Facebook Enriched Ms. Schoening’s 1st Grade Class
    Jul 15, 2010, 16 comments1221 Pageviews
    Ten Ways to Audit Proof your School, District, or ...
    Jun 12, 2011, 3 comments1205 Pageviews
    Using Classroom publishing to teach outside the bo...
    17-Jun-11900 Pageviews
    Tri State Ed Tech Conference - Post Conference Rea...
    Oct 2, 2010, 2 comments863 Pageviews

    You have read this article What's Popular with the title June 2011. You can bookmark this page URL http://machining33.blogspot.com/2011/06/what-popular-this-week-on-innovative_18.html. Thanks!